47 – Get to know more about SEO with this ep!
This episode features Jen of SEM Help who helps anyone with their SEO problems. If you have ever thought of any questions regarding SEO, I highly recommend giving this episode a listen because Dene asks those questions (while Megan listens, she is actually quiet for once!) and it gets that informative that we will be splitting the episode we recorded for this into 2 parts (part 2 will go live early Jan 2021) so not to overload your brain with awesome SEO knowledge!
You can find Jen on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram @SEMhelp and at her website Semhelp.co.uk.
If you have got Facebook and want to know more about SEO, please join this group > https://www.facebook.com/groups/semhelp
PS. Couldn’t think of a funny title for this episode because I don’t want to distract people from the SEO awesomeness’
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